Chaos and Kettlebells; Surprising Results and a New Direction

Well this has been a rollercoaster six weeks with a lot of down time and stress (why I've been absent from here). Started with ETK with a single bell, then to cut my time and do more work I used double kettlebells with the Rite of Passage as a template. Now I'm looking at complexes … Continue reading Chaos and Kettlebells; Surprising Results and a New Direction

Six Weeks of CST; Am I Weaker?

Circular Strength Training felt good and Foam Rolling is uncomfortable...till your done. One day I want to play with clubbells. Ahh. However my goal has changed for now, instead of general preparedness I'm going for fighting form. And I'm really looking forward to picking up my kettlebells again. I'll pick up the Program Minimum of … Continue reading Six Weeks of CST; Am I Weaker?

Time For A New Program: Six Week Self-Assessment

Well it finally happened. Almost a year and I hit a wall. For two weeks I didn't have the energy for the Heavy or Medium Days. And worse, I just didn't want to do the Rite of Passage. I had to force it. So I contacted my friend Brad, my RKC trainer. So I went … Continue reading Time For A New Program: Six Week Self-Assessment

What Has the 53lb Kettlebell Wrought, and Which Friends Pressed It?

Four weeks into it with the 53lb kettlebell. Normally at this point I'd already be working on (1-2-3)4 and (1-2-3-4)1 except considering the weight I'm dealing with, and I have the time to work it, I've slowed down. Pavel wrote in ETK that you progress every week and while I'm capable of it, I do … Continue reading What Has the 53lb Kettlebell Wrought, and Which Friends Pressed It?