What Is Real?

With AI improving, especially with images and videos, how can we know what is true or false? A picture used to be worth a thousand words, but now it’s worth a thousand lies.

Last year, an AI made a creepy picture of Will Smith eating spaghetti, and recently, I saw an AI fashion show that almost looked real. 1

It’s moving faster than Moore’s Law; technology doubles faster than every 18 months. 

Google’s Gemini is “woke” and makes historical figures look like different ethnicities than they were. Unless you knew history, you’d believe it.2

Microsoft CoPilot has an alternate personality.3

When it comes to text, books are being written by AI now. At this point, if you’ve worked with something like ChatGTP, you can tell if it’s done by the LLM. 

The flow is stilted and dry or over the top. 

I use it as a sounding board to test my logic in some posts. If something is particularly long, I’ll copy and paste the words and ask for a summary and highlights. 

It’s like fire, a helpful servant if controlled and a nigh unstoppable force if not controlled. 

Back to the original question:

With AI improving, especially with images and videos, how can we know what is true or false?

  • Hard copies of books. They can’t shadow-edit what is already printed. 
  • Touch grass, get offline, and into what the kids these days call “meat space.”

The disciple Thomas is picked on for doubting Jesus came back. We need to be more like him. 

  • If you can’t touch it or see it in that moment in real life, be skeptical. 

1 https://notthebee.com/article/a-year-ago-ai-gave-us-nightmare-video-of-will-smith-eating-pasta-the-next-generation-is-here-and-the-videos-are-blowing-my-mind

2 https://notthebee.com/article/my-dudes-googles-gemini-ai-is-woke-as-heck-and-people-have-the-receipts-to-prove-it

3 https://notthebee.com/article/microsofts-ai-has-an-alternate-personality-that-claims-its-a-god-worshipping-me-is-a-mandatory-requirement-for-all-humans

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