Leg Humpers

People are funny at times. You (by you I mean me in this case) can sit there, minding your own business and look up at a guy creeping up slowly towards you. Creeping isn't going to make you a badass or raise your social status. I watched the Maintenence Supervisor do just that one day. … Continue reading Leg Humpers

My Personal Hell; Weeks 28-29

This had not been a good two weeks for me, reminded of the fragility of life, how unexpectedly it is lost. Previously I had written about my introduction to stoicism, being very much a work in progress with that. Stoics are not usually effected as much by negative emotions and I was cut to the … Continue reading My Personal Hell; Weeks 28-29

Stoic All Along?

Week 27 Excerpt ---------------------------------------------- After more than six months, I think psychotherapy has reached the point of diminishing returns. Has it helped me? Oh, yes. Being able to talk about stuff that makes others flinch away and stay away from you helps, it gets it out of your head, relieving the pressure of not bottling … Continue reading Stoic All Along?

Who Needs Plexus When You Have Discipline

The New Year brought the new six-week cycle while I was in Oklahoma visiting family. Traveling I am not usually that strict on diet, so it was a bumpy start. What I did have waiting for me when I got home was my gift from my mother-in-law, a Rogue 70lb kettlebell; which even knowing my … Continue reading Who Needs Plexus When You Have Discipline